How will the timetable be structured?
We will create a timetable which allows sufficient and appropriate coverage to the wider curriculum subjects, whilst ensuring reading, writing and mathematics is at the foundation of our curriculum.
Each subject will be timetabled for each pupil in KS1 and KS2. For example, pupils will have a science lesson; history lesson; music lesson etc.
However, our curriculum will allows some flexibility. For example, in some subjects such as Computing and Art & Design, we would teach a double lesson every fortnight. We feel that this offers the chance for greater development of skills and knowledge due to the nature of the subjects and the resources involved. Also, teachers can use their professionalism to adapt lessons – for example, if they wish to extend a Mathematics lesson by 15 minutes, our timetable allows this to happen.
In addition, we will teach Design & Technology in a block at the end of each half-term due to the nature of the subject.
This design has been chosen to ensure pupils can access and be successful in areas where they might have a particular talent or where they can achieve more successfully than in traditional subjects. For example, where a child may struggle with reading, they may be a very talented musician or have a passion for History. In addition, this timetable structure enables all pupils to be fully prepared for transition to secondary education.